Yəhya Bakuvi 18B, Bakı / Azərbaycan
09:00 - 18:00

Ən çox verilən suallar

If you have taken one of our exams we want to make sure you receive your result as quickly as possible. By registering on our Results Service for Candidates website https://candidates.cambridgeenglish.org/Members/Login.aspx?M=None you will be able to view your results as soon as they become available. You’ll also receive an email letting you know that your results have been released. You can register on the site at any point from the time you receive your Confirmation of Entry from your exam centre; you do not need to wait until after the exam. You will need the ID number and Secret number shown on your Confirmation of Entry in order to register.

You are not allowed to use correction fluid, correction tape, or erasable pen during any part of your Cambridge English exam. Your answer papers may be scanned to allow online marking by examiners and correction fluid or tape can cause issues when scanning. The use of erasable pen during writing examinations often leaves smudges, making papers harder to read. If you make a mistake during the written parts of your exam, please just strike through the work that you do not want us to mark. As long as the rest of your answer can be read, you will not be penalised for this. Your centre can provide you with a list of authorised items that you are allowed to bring into the exam room.

No. Candidates of any age can take A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools. Our exams for schools are designed to meet the needs and interests of school-aged learners. Older candidates, who are no longer at school, should be entered for the standard versions of the exams (A2 Key, B1 Preliminary and B2 First). This will ensure that the content is relevant to their age and all candidates have a positive experience of taking the exams.

A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools follow exactly the same format as the standard versions of those exams. The level of the exams is the same and candidates will be tested in all the same skills. The content of the exams will be a bit different, however, as the Schools versions are specifically tailored to suit the interests and experience of school-age candidates.

Your Cambridge English exam result and certificate are valid indefinitely. They show that on a particular date you demonstrated language skills at a specified level *. Individual institutions (such as universities, employers, professional organisations and government bodies) can choose how long to accept results for. Some institutions will only accept certificates taken within the last 2 or 3 years, although many will take into account evidence that you have taken action to maintain or improve your level of English since taking your exam. Please speak to the institution that you wish to apply to if you have any doubts. Applications for a visa to study or live in a country may also require that you hold an English qualification that was taken within a specified period (within the last two years for example). We strongly advise that you check the regulations for that country carefully before making an application. * Note that in the case of IELTS, we recommend that institutions should not accept a result which is more than two years old as proof of current language ability, unless accompanied by evidence that English language skills have been actively maintained or improved since taking the test.

Bəli. Linkdə Cambridge imtahanlarını qəbul edən Universitet və şirkətləri görə bilərsiniz. https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/why-choose-us/global-recognition/ Nümunə olaraq Çexiyadakı Charles Universitetinin qəbul şərtini göstərə bilərik. Siyahıda göründüyü kimi unniversitet bir çox imtahanlarla birlikdə Cambridge imtahanlarını da qəbul edir. "English Language Proficiency All applicants must have an adequate command of English in order to enrol at Charles University. An applicant’s proficiency level in English may be demonstrated by various language tests; any language test results should not be older than two years. Test Minimum score TOEFL Paper/Computer/Internet based 550/213/80 *Cambridge ESOL FCE A level *Cambridge ESOL CPE, or Cambridge ESOL CAE Passed SAT Critical Reading and Writing 550 in each part The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 6.5 Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) 605 General State Language Examination in English in the Czech Republic Pass
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